“Photography is just a blip in the landscape of visual technology,” says Rood. Therefore, digital photography is an even smaller slice within history. It is this attitude which liberates Rood to experiment freely with the photographic medium – he is not confined to any preconceptions of ‘digital photography’. Rood considers photography from as early as 1475, when artists used reflections as templates for their paintings – it is only more recently that ‘photography’ as a process has been deemed as being confined to a box, & he considers the future possibilities of an automatic reality, which is already emerging in programmes such as Photosynth, 3D live visual mapping of Glastonbury Festival and live location monitoring throughout the world. He ties this in with his career, pushing boundaries to seek an irreplaceable position in the photographic industry.
Rood highlights Lee Miller as an influence on his work, and she happens to be my favourite photographer. This portrait is of her by Man Ray, but they worked together closely & it was Miller who flicked the darkroom switch to accidentally discover solarization. A poignant comparison between Rood & Miller, for me, is that they both pushed the 'new' or available mediums of their times to the extreme & paved ways for future art.
Above image: Solarization, portrait of Lee Miller, Man Ray
My favourite work which Rood discussed was George – a collection of old, damaged 35mm negatives from various sources such as markets, which are agglomerated and transformed into an interactive, digital photo album of disconnected imagery, forming a portrait of the imaginary George. 60%-70% of the negatives were found, with probably no previous connection. This work questions the portrait’s place in digital media. What happens to it? What will not be replaced? Perhaps his work may seem radical at first, but my perception is that he is only working in fashion in which portraits have always been created, but utilizing previously unavailable technology to do so.We could say, therefore, that in theory, the portrait will not change - it is what surrounds the portrait which changes. He has also created digital works which feature postcards and conversations between people, narratives where the characters are transported to other places when they connect in conversation. George almost reminded me of a facebook page – we are integrated into this phenomenon of collecting visual information about ourselves and displaying it digitally via a created profile. In this way, we have all created interactive digital self-portraits and use them every day to interact. Photography has become a social monster, and Rood anticipates it growing beyond this & into the 3D interactive realm.
Rood has commented that although he won awards for such work, advertising agencies struggled to understand it at the time, and are still struggling now. He is interested in the media struggle with more & more digital media, a concept I had not previously considered, as perhaps I perceived the change to be being pushed by the media. This reaction prompted him in the direction of considering more traditional portrayals digital portraits, whilst still contemplating similar themes of the future of the portrait, and identity within digital media, to further his career & fund his more artistic explorations. He considers the relationship between technology and photography – technological changes always have an impact on photography.
David Hockney is a strong influence on Rood's practice. He works with different media & experiments with innovative ways to create portraits, utilizing available technology, as does Rood. This image stood out to me as Rood is interested in the technique of merging images together and creating work which encompasses different angles. The camera lies, and he enjoys exploring this idea in work and research, whether it be convincing or obvious. This stems back to concepts of how photographic based works are often perceived to portray an accurate representation of a subject, but in actuality, it is all light, mirrors & trickery. Digital manipulation is the current way to convey this.
Rood recognises the impossibility of creating an objective portrait, and therefore attempts to photograph each subject demonstrating strong visual similarities in style/technique/composition, etc. This reminded me of Diane Arbus, whom he states as an influence. Her non judgemental portraits of ‘freaks’ demonstrate qualities of an objective nature in the way they are framed, & the way they directly face the camera, and the running theme in style and composition, which is applied equally yet personally to each subject. Both artists are interested in revealing the subject for who they are, both are trapped within their own styles of portraying others, & thus will never be objective. Arbus has commented that her approach to photography was "like gathering a butterfly collection, in that she aimed to depict objectively the distinctiveness of her unusual subjects."
I should also mention Rood’s early career, when he developed his individual style of essentialising and reducing his subjects, using light to create abstract, basic forms. He sought do define his style in order to specialise & stand out in a competitive industry, and his spirituality is reflected in these images to became an aesthetic. I really love how he utilises light, rather than high technology, to create unusual effects in these images. He applied this unique style to various subjects, depending on where the work was available, and it was this which defined him and furthered his career. This work reminded me of portraits by one of my favourite photographers – London based Nadav Kander. He also uses light & dark to create simple & abstract forms, & demonstrates a personal & unique style which he applies to photographing in various industries, from band/music photography to advertising & fashion.
Artwork for album cover of Meds by Placebo, Nadav Kander
Portrait of Selwyn, my own photography, 2010. Rood uses bright light to burn out detail & simplify his work. I have used darkness here to omit detail & light to select carefully each aspect I wanted to include within this image, simplifying it. This is a photograph of a close friend who is a musician, so it has a very personal/spiritual element to me. This use of light to create a simplified, abstract, form, lies parallel to themes in Rood's photography, but demonstrates my own individual style
Taranaki Sleeps, 2008, my own work. To me, this does not necessarily draw visual similarities between the work of myself & Rood, however, it does demonstrate my preoccupation with light as a tool to create an aesthetic - this was captured on 35mm in low light at about 4am, and was exposed for about 18 seconds. It is of a person close to my heart & for me, reflects spirituality & simplicity, themes also conveyed in much of Rood's work
Finally, I really enjoyed his work Shadow Making Machines. I enjoy the theory behind the work. Light is what enables us see, & is the vital element in photography. In these works, Rood subverts the idea of shining light onto a subject/object in order to view it. The light is central within the image, and casts shadows, which become the focus. This work holds a strong attraction for me conceptually as well as aesthetically, as light and shadow are always central themes in my work, whether it be sculpture, photography, poetry, etc. This piece in particular reminds me also of Cornelia Parkers Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View.
Study of Light & Shadow, 2010, my own work - Gun made of glass mirror shards
Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View, Cornelia Parker, 1991
Lecture – Steve Rood Tuesday 28th October 2010-10-02
Exhibtion: Diane Arbus, Revelations, Tate Modern 2006 & book
Editorial Review - Reed Business Information (c) 2003
Exhibition: The Remarkable Life & Art of Lee Miller, V&A, London, 2007
My own work :-)